MyndBand BLE EEG Brainwave Headset
A new updated version of the MyndBand EEG headset - MyndBand BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) - is now available. iOS compatible, faster, with longer battery life.
Sensor update: MyndBand BLE now comes with a triple sensor; all the sensors are now located in the forehead area.
The MyndBand is the worlds first research grade customisable EEG Neurofeedback headset which also integrates directly into VR headsets allowing brainwaves to go beyond the lab and the screen into the real and virtual world.
The MyndBand uses 3 dry sensors on the forehead to measure brainwave activity, this is then transmitted via Bluetooth to a computer, tablet or phone allowing a user to see their brain activity, focus, relaxation and mindfulness states in real-time.
It safely measures brainwave signals and monitors the attention and relaxation levels while also allowing a user to interact with the different exercises and games.
Raw brainwave data at 512Hz
Processing and output of EEG power spectrum
Blink detection
EEG signal quality analysis
Uses the TGAM EEG module
Bluetooth radio, PC, Mac and Android compatible
Lithium-ion rechargeable battery via USB with up to 10Hrs use
The MyndBand SDK is also available for desktop, mobile and VR applications.
The MyndBand is also available in Cap form or you can simply buy the cap which is designed specifically for the MyndBand Headset.
The kit includes:
MyndBand Bluetooth Unit
Neopreme Headband
1 x Sensor Cable
1 x Charger Cable
Instruction Manual*